![]() 11/23/2013 at 10:49 • Filed to: Gunlopnik, the_odd_custom, themarvelous1310 | ![]() | ![]() |
Yes I bought a Hi-point, and no it's not because I couldn't afford something better-I already have a Ruger SR40 and a few other nice things I have to register before I can mention. I bought this gun, quite simply, to have something I wasn't horrified of scratching while I was just playing around in the woods. By which I mean, I bought it for absolutely nothing, just to have it. It was cheap, though.
Yeah, I've heard all the complaints, and honestly most of them are true. I've never experienced anything so blatantly, unapolegetically low-quality in my entire life, except maybe the knives I bought from the dollar store that rusted halfway through cutting the ham last Thanksgiving. It's awkward to hold even for my big ass hands(hands to which a standard 1911 feels a little small), heavy as hell, the safety is shit(it cut my thumb, which doesn't seem safe at all), the clip release sits where your thumb naturally gravitates to(dropped my clip twice while first shooting, felt like an idiot), the grip makes your hands sweat, the spring doesn't feel strong enough, there's gaps big enough to park a motorcycle in-I could go on for hours, and I still haven't even mentioned how ugly the damned gun is!
However, while I was shooting this back and forth with my Ruger, I noticed something odd. I set up a few targets at about 30 yards and, while the SR40 is undoubtably more fun-maybe even safer- to shoot(better grip, smoother trigger, better safety/clip release), it's not nearly as accurate as the Hi-Point! Once you get the sights where you like them, it's almost impossible to miss, and I routinely hit all my targets no matter how I shot the damn thing. One-handed? Flawless. Left-handed? Perfect. Sideways gun? Wow, did I really just clear the whole row?!
Turns out the simple, ugly blowback design means the barrel is locked into position unlike most recoil-operated gun barrels, leading to better accuracy. I read something about this in a Ruger 22/45 review, but I didn't make the connection, but now that I have I think I'm in love with blowback guns. Unfortunately, unless you want to shoot a small round(like the Ruger 22 and Walther PP series do), you have to make the slide massive to keep it closed long enough for the slug to leave the barrel, hence the Hi-Point ugliness/weight, but trust me: It's a fair trade, especially for the money(New gun for under 200 bucks WOOT!)
So, when was the last time a gun surprised YOU? It can be a good or a bad surprise, as long as you have a good story and some pictures.
![]() 11/23/2013 at 10:53 |
Wow, that is hideous.
![]() 11/23/2013 at 10:58 |
Also, dat warranty.
No questions asked.
You can jam shit in the end of the barrel and fill it with powder and set it off, then mail it in and they'll give you a new one.
![]() 11/23/2013 at 10:59 |
Agreed. And it's as heavy as it looks-I throw it in my pocket, my pants drop four inches. Hits what you aim at, though.
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Sounds like the best use of one.
![]() 11/23/2013 at 11:00 |
I don't buy ugly guns.
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I'm sure you could probably either buy or make some new grips for it, shouldn't be too much trouble.
![]() 11/23/2013 at 11:02 |
You're right, that is ugly. And that is really cheap! Where did you it from?
I wouldn't mind spending less money but I don't think I'd enjoy something as low quality as you're describing though.
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Liquor stores ain't gonna rob themselves...
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ugly guns are the best guns though.
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kinja kinja kin-ja
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That's why you make a zip gun. Or make a grease gun...
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That's purdy right there.
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Mine is blued, but I don't have a picture. Looks even better.
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I like to stay legal.
EDIT: thought this was in reply to the ugly guns comment, which is why it makes no sense.
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When I first fired my super nova I was surprised at how low the recoil was for a 12 guage. Also its a beautiful gun.
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While robbing the liquor store, it is best to remain legal.
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fill out forms, get stamp attached, enjoy.
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Ugly? check
Gun? nothin but.
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That ain't ugly
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Not for an open bolt (self loading) gun (anymore).
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all my open bolt guns have had stamps, because they were machine guns.
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Gotcha. I thought you were implying I could make one in my garage and just register it nowadays.
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man, wouldn't THAT be nice.
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I really wish they'd at LEAST have an amnesty. You KNOW there are tons of WWII/Korea/vietnam bringbacks jammed in peoples closets that people have only found since 86. Why WOULDN'T the government want to know about those (And get their 200$)?
![]() 11/23/2013 at 12:11 |
I was given this very gun as a gift. To honest with you I love it. I don't shoot often enough to warrant making a big investment on a gun, so this one suites me fine.
I appreciate you sharing that information with me, it is very interesting. I shall now gloat to everyone about my superior aiming pistol. "Screw your Kimber .45 expensive 1911 look alike. You shoulda got the high-point 9 M M" — that what I will be saying to my wifes grandfather who thought my gun was silly and I must upgrade to respectable Kimber.
My high-point accuracy story has to do with sheer luck rather than the guns locked barrel design making it more accurate, but here we go....This last year when all the guys went out on the annual desert camping trip to shoot clay pigeons, targets, and bunnies(no bunnies cause they don't exist anymore). I randomly decided to line up on the opposing side of the clay pigeon launcher with my cousin who was holding a proper 12 gauge. I on the other hand had my hand hovering a mere inch above the cold steel(Steelishy/hard plastic/maybe metal) high-point 9mm pistol on my hip, which was resting un-clipped in a generic sportsman's holster. When my cousin yelled out "pull", my inner John Wayne/Steven Segal kicked in at which point I yanked that sweet sub-200 dollar pistol our of that cheap holster and unloaded that clip — kill confirmed. The sheer speed at which I drew and the distinct popping sound of a 9mm pistol going through the entire clip stopped my cousin from even firing on the pigeon. Not that he had a chance anyway....
![]() 11/23/2013 at 12:13 |
The walther ppk is surprisingly accurate even at distances beyond ten meters. However it is surprisingly painful to shoot more than 50 rounds out of as the snap of the shot and the grip slowly carve into tour hand. Oh and surprisingly reliable...5000k+ rounds and not a single jam.
The Beretta 92a1 is fantastic. However it has almost Zero holster options...especially for a south paw. It is also a major Diva and requires thorough cleaning after ever trip to the range...regardless of how many rounds were fired. Also when you first pick one up you will be surprised by the weight which is about even with the walther ppk.
![]() 11/23/2013 at 12:24 |
Edit: Where did you buy it?
![]() 11/23/2013 at 12:53 |
The last Hi-Point I handled wasn't heavy at all. It felt like it was made by Duplo. I don't think I could do it, unless there was no other options available. But hey! Cheap gun! I shall not hate. Unless you post a week from now about your missing thumb.
![]() 11/23/2013 at 13:25 |
You must not own a Glock. At least, IMO, they're fugly as hell. I respect that they are extremely good guns, but god are they fugly.
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I've read that Kimber has QC issues that would be awful on guns costing half as much. Not sure how true they are, but...
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I don't, and I have no desire to.
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He hasn't mentioned any issues with his gun, but he honestly doesn't shoot it very much either.
If I buy something at top dollar, I would expect it to be flawless. If the Kimber's have QC issues than the company has just gotten lazy and forgotten who keeps them in business.
![]() 11/23/2013 at 14:53 |
I'll just leave this here.
![]() 11/23/2013 at 18:05 |
Have owned a HP c9 and a carbine...decent guns, c9 had a tendency to jam if the wrong ammo was used tho.
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1/2 ton cummins? nice
![]() 11/24/2013 at 01:08 |
That's about one of the dumbest firearm "test" clips I have ever seen, but it proves that they will stand up to a lot of shit and throw some shit back at the abuser given the chance.
Actual, for real first thought, "When did dumb and dumber start testing firearms?"
![]() 11/24/2013 at 01:14 |
Watch the rest of their videos, they're actually pretty knowledgeable.
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They are one of the ugliest auto pistols to be had for sure, but the low cost and amount of abuse they will take make them worthwhile for sure.
I was looking at a Kimber CCC II the other day and thinking seriously about buying one in the near future, but I think I'm going to get a Hi-Point first and tinker with it to find out how well I can clean it up, improve the action and make it shoot. Thanks for this timely article.
![]() 11/24/2013 at 01:57 |
Thanks for the heads up, I'm sure they are fairly knowledgeable, but their brand of humor/testing is not for me. I'll take a look and see what they have though since you mentioned it.
What got me was that they didn't show much of anything that was really useful, just silly crap that most responsible gun owners would never do to begin with.
![]() 11/24/2013 at 12:54 |
A guy out in Parma, Ohio sold me his. They're extra cheap here in Ohio, since they're made in Medina and don't have far to ship.
![]() 11/24/2013 at 12:56 |
That's a sad bias, visual appeal having absolutely nothing to do with actual performance. You'd probably like my Ruger, SR series' are some of the best looking guns out IMO.
![]() 11/24/2013 at 12:57 |
That's a sad bias, visual appeal having absolutely nothing to do with actual performance. You'd probably like my Ruger, SR series' are some of the best looking guns out IMO.
![]() 11/24/2013 at 13:01 |
If I'm dropping money on a gun, it better look good and perform well. This is why I have an Auto-Ordinance 1911A1 and a Winchester Saddle-Ring Carbine. My dad owns a couple of Rugers, a Blackhawk and a stub nosed .357